Monday, August 23, 2010

And speaking of eggplant...

Is Grimace an eggplant? As a kid, I never really pondered what Grimace was, but as an adult it has started to bother me.

Fry Guy? Ok, get that one. Hamburgler? Yup. Officer Big Mac? Pretty clear.

But Grimace? A purple McNugget? No way. He has got to be an eggplant. But obviously there isn't any eggplant on the McDonald's menu. Perhaps he is a holdover from a long lost menu item...Eggplant McParmesan?



  1. I think that the Eggplant McParmesan would have done quite well at McDonald's in Italy. When I lived there years ago, the menu featured the McMexico, a hamburger with "guacamole" smeared on it. The best part about the McMexico phenomenon was that the employees wore red plastic ponchos and cardboard sombreros to promote this fast-food delicacy. They also showcased the McPink, which was basically like a pan-fried SPAM sandwich on a bun. Maybe the Eggplant McParmesan should actually be called the McPurple (though in Europe it would probably be called the McAubergine).

  2. For further consideration:
